Using Loose Parts to Promote STEAM

I recently had the opportunity to share my knowledge and passion of the value of incorporating Loose Parts in the early childhood classroom to promote science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) content. The theory of Loose Parts, a wonderful term coined by architect Simon Nicholson after his groundbreaking article “How Not to Cheat Children: The Theory of Loose Parts” published in 1971 in the Landscape Architecture Journal. Nicholson believed that we are all creative and that loose parts in an environment will empower our creativity. Loose parts creates endless possibilities and invite creativity. Loose parts are materials that can be moved, carried, combined, redesigned, taken apart and put back together in multiple ways. During this workshop early childhood educators were introduced to the theory of loose parts, and how loose parts can be used to promote science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM). Through hands-on-minds-on experiences early childhood educators explored a wide-array of materials that can be incorporated within indoor centers and outdoor play areas.  Teachers rotated through seven loose parts centers tinkering, communicating, collaborating, using their critical thinking skills, and imagination. Incorporating loose parts within the early childhood classroom provide such wonderful opportunities for children to explore the world around them using natural, synthetic and recyclable materials. It’s low cost, sustainable, motivating, child-driven and highly engaging. For more information about incorporating Loose Parts within your early childhood + classroom and scheduling professional staff development contact Diana Wehrell-Grabowski, PhD on the contact page within this website. Check out a sampling of photos taken of the early childhood educators during the “Incorporating Loose Parts to Promote STEAM Content” teacher training workshop. What a great group of early childhood educators I had the opportunity to work with!