Breakerspaces, Toy Take Apart and Deconstruction Stations Great MakerEd and STEM Centers for Libraries

Great article by Katie Darty in School Library Journal on February 6th, 2018 on incorporating “Breakerspaces” in libraries. Breakerspaces are also known as Toy Take Apart Centers, Break and Take Apart Gadgets MakerEd training by Dr. Diana Wehrell-GrabowskiMake, Appliance Autopsy, Reverse Engineering and Deconstruction Stations. I find that introducing teachers and librarians to tinkering, hacking and creating new gadgets from deconstructed gadgets is one of the most powerful training experiences teachers and librarians can experience within a STEM, STEAM and MakerEd training. It’s also low-cost, sustainable, highly engaging, educational and fun for all ages of students and library patrons. Check out the following article by Katie Darty on incorporating Breakerspaces within school and public libraries.